GER  105

Exam Description  --- Einführung  B

Your exam will be a collection of materials that you have already worked on as homework assignments. You know what will be there; it's just a matter of putting in the time and learning it.

You may have any of these pages on the exam or a selection of items from several pages.  The selection could look something like this.

Review Page - English to German

Part 1 Verb exercises.  I will probably give you two of the four pages to translate.  These should look very familiar by now.

You will be expected to translate the verb exercises (kommen, heißen, sein, and haben) from English into German.  This means you have to know not only the verb forms, but also the other vocabulary of the dialogues.  Click below to find the pages in English that you need translate.





Part 2` You could  the following two exercises dealing with the possessive adjectives.  Just as in your homework, you will give me the German equivalent of the English sentences.

Übung 8

Übung 9


Part 3 You could have the pages of new vocabulary for the classroom expressions (singular and plural) and  the family relationships.  



And you could have the pages of old vocabulary (singular and plural) for the articles of clothing and the parts of the body.




Part 4 You will be expected to provide the German vocabulary for the weather, seasons, months, and days of the week. 





Part 5 You will be expected to provide the German equivalent of the sentences referring to colors and the articles of clothing.

Kleidung und Farben

You will have some phrases and sentences in German to translate into English.  If you see something in German in any of the assigned exercises or other exercises that we cover in class, you should be able to tell me what it means.  The selection could look like this.

Review Page - German to English